The Land

An Adventure Play Documentary

A new documentary film about Adventure Play. 

Filtering by Author: Erin Davis

Junk Play in NYC

So impressed by our friends at play:ground - the incredible team of playworkers, alternative educators, performers, historians and parents who've established a true junk playground in New York City. 

On Governors Island, Mountains of Junk Where Children Find Adventure, NYT

On Governors Island, Mountains of Junk Where Children Find Adventure, NYT

Check out the New York Times coverage here

We wish the team a fruitful summer rich in play and can't wait to hear your reflections at the season's end. Bring on the kids! 

work and play

The front page of the Business section in this Friday's New York Times hosted two articles tying work, play and family together closely.  In Sweden... an experiment enforced a 6-hour work day for workers with no pay cut.  The results showed increased productivity for the company due to well rested, happier workers. These workers frequently cited quality time with their families as the most rejuvenating outcome of the change. Not to mention the benefits for the children who had meaningful connection with well rested parents. 

In Sweden, an Experiment Turns Shorter Workdays into Bigger Gains, NYT 5/20/16

In Sweden, an Experiment Turns Shorter Workdays into Bigger Gains, NYT 5/20/16

Meanwhile retirees in the US are finding it harder to let their work lives go... completely. These retirees attempt to balance paid work with volunteer contributions in their communities and build connections with grandchildren. 

Work a Little, Play a Little: A New Retirement Strategy, NYT 5/20/16

Work a Little, Play a Little: A New Retirement Strategy, NYT 5/20/16

Often work and play are presented as opposites when in fact they are more like cousins, sisters. Playworker and scholar Brian Sutton-Smith said, "the opposite of play is depression." Self-directed time and space is valuable and healthful for the individual and the society and should be enabled, across the lifespan. 

New Book Alert!

One of the most common responses to The Land from parents and teachers is, "ok, I GET It but how can I convince other people? Where is the EVIDENCE that freely chosen play BENEFITS kids??" It's true that hard facts and figures can tip the scales for folks on the fence, and are critical for decision-makers sticking their necks out to support an adventure play initiative. I bring you: 

Balanced and Barefoot: How Unstructured outdoor play makes for strong, confident, and capable children WOHOOO!!*

In Balanced and Barefoot, Angela Hanscom gives adults permission to release the reins without fear. Her expertise as an occupational therapist affirms what so many of us know intuitively: children thrive when they have access to rich, self-directed play opportunities.

Available now!  (Use it for good, not evil!)


*ok, the wohooo is ours... not part of the actual title...